At King’s you’ll discover how to make a living and how to live

小的学校. 巨大的机会.

Consider King’s College a four-year laboratory that helps you discover what you are passionate about while preparing for your profession. We blend large university opportunities with personalized support in a smaller setting, creating the ideal environment for a college education.

a professor stands behind two students on their laptops


仅次于学术卓越, the College's foundation in the Holy Cross is the most unique and transformative aspect of the King's experience. Regardless of your background, a Holy Cross education will change you. 它超越了学位和职业,是灌输 a foundational belief in yourself and your impact on the world.

a priest walks with several students outside the Chapel


King's College doesn't just set you on a path to a 职业生涯; King's prepares you for 终身 成功与社会流动性. Of the graduates who reported back to us over the last several years, we continue to see that Monarchs secure competitive and rewarding jobs right after graduation and in the years that follow.

我们的大多数毕业生都已完全就业, 继续读研究生, 或在六个月内从事志愿工作.
Have confidence that what you learn at King's will position you to earn a competitive salary above the national average right after graduation.
A King's College degree is in the 排名前20% for net value after 20, 30, and even 40 years according to Georgetown’s Center on Education and the Workforce.


Our students, 教师, and 工作人员 are inspired by what they encounter every day at King's. Learn more about their experiences and find out how you could be inspired, too!

温特|心理学 & 英语


Let’s help you narrow down your college search with just six (of many) reasons why King’s College should top your list and you should join our Monarch family by applying.


1. 这是你能负担得起的教育

有可能收到高质量的, 一流的教育,价格实惠, thanks to generous donors who make King's College scholarships available to every accepted student. That’s why 100% of our first-time, full-time students have a King’s College scholarship.


2. 我们是一个包容的社区

Part of our mission is to respect the inherent dignity of every person... 我们是认真的. 我们的社区欢迎所有人, 包括遗产家族, 第一代学生, 少数族裔背景的人, 以及所有信仰的人. 在新利体育luck18,这里也是你的家.


3. 我们丰富你的思想和心灵

We don't simply provide an education; we develop your mind and heart through student success services and wellness programs that ensure you have both a healthy school-life balance and a safe space to challenge yourself.


4. 我们的学位很抢手

Our curriculum provides you with not only what you want and need to learn but also a degree that lays the groundwork for high growth potential. When other schools are cutting programs, we’re adding majors that are in demand.


5. 在这里,每个人都茁壮成长

With nearly half of our student body made up of athletes and at least 60% of students involved in at least one or more club, 校内的, 或者艺术项目, 我们鼓励团队合作, 协作, 以及个人成功之上的领导力, 这样你就能培养出为学业做好准备的技能, 职业生涯, 个人成就.


6. 这是一座经典的大学城

Wilkes-Barre is a small city with an exciting future as large corporations put down roots and small businesses open next door to arts and sports venues, 伟大的餐馆, 和公园, 小径, 和斜坡. 你也可以快速到达大城市.



We understand financial fit is a big factor when selecting your school. We make every effort to support you and empower you with as much information as possible to navigate the financial aid process. We want you to be confident that your choices today will lead to a promising future.


of first-year, full-time students receive a King's scholarship

Catholic institutions are known for their high-quality education, and we’re proud to make ours accessible to all our students.


更好的是, 80%的平均报价不需要偿还, 所以每个人都可以, 而且应该, 申请经济资助.

年度奖学金 & 授予

我们的优秀奖学金从20美元起,000 to full tuition and are awarded to every student accepted at King’s.



学院营销与传播办公室 主动分享我们学生的优秀成果, 教师, 工作人员, 通过新闻稿和校友交流, 文章, 社交媒体, 时事通讯, 以及年度出版物. 

Ed Kearney将在2024年毕业典礼上发表演讲

Kearney is the CEO of a top accounting firm and donated more than $1 million in scholarship funding.



Dr. Christy Hyman of Mississippi State University will visit King’s College on Tuesday, Apr. 23, 2024, to present “Digitally Mapping Interspecies Cooperation in the Underground Railroad."



的 Pennsylvania Association for College 入学 Counseling (PACAC) is hosting its Annual Northeast Regional College Fair on Monday, 4月29日, 2024, in the McGrane Gymnasium of the Scandlon Physical Education Center at King’s College.

PACAC Fair 2022合影

Award-Winning Writer and Poet Heather Sellers to 访问 King’s on April 18

Award-winning writer and poet Heather Sellers will visit King’s College for a free public reading, 问答环节, 以及4月18日的签售会, 2023, 晚上7:30.m. 在伯克礼堂.


Martin Sheen performs at King’s as 访问ing Artist April 8-10

好莱坞演员马丁·辛, 最出名的是他在《新利体育luck18》中的角色, 《新利体育luck18》, 和白宫西翼, 会在四月八日访问新利体育luck18吗, 9, 和10, 2024, to meet with students and appear in a limited engagement staged reading of the play “8” by Dustin Lance Black.


King’s Launches Strategic Communications Master’s Program

King’s has launched a new Master of Arts in Strategic Communications beginning for the Fall 2024 semester. Open to qualified applicants with any four-year undergraduate degree, this completely online 30-credit program can be completed in as little as 21 months.
