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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between CCR and CV?

CR是首演演出合唱团在校园,每年进行两场音乐会,并在各种活动在校园内和校外唱歌. CCR covers a mixture of sacred, 世俗的, 经典, 还有现代作品, including both 爵士乐 and modern hits, and rehearses two to three times a week for 90 minutes.

CV是一个不需要试镜的合唱团,作为学院的礼拜堂合唱团, and sings every Sunday during the academic year at the 8 p.m. 质量. 除了, CV sings at other liturgical celebrations such as memorial 质量es, Taize祈祷, and many other services. 合唱团演唱从圣歌到当代教堂音乐的曲目,每周排练约75分钟.

Is CCR a religious based choir?

No. CCR是新利体育luck18的表演合奏团,演唱各种各样的音乐,包括宗教和世俗音乐,包括流行音乐, 爵士乐, as well as songs considered part of the standard choral repertoire. There are a number of pieces that are sacred in nature, 包括几首福音书,这是我们与圣. Bernadine's Gospel Choir in Baltimore, Maryland.

Does my major impact my ability to participate in CCR?

Most students can participate in CCR for all four years. 一些专业,如医师助理和3+2工程项目,只允许学生参加三年, 随着这些节目逐渐变得更加紧张和耗时.

How does my major impact my ability to participate in CV?

学生们在新利体育luck18的整个学习期间都可以参加这个合奏团, as this ensemble is less time consuming than CCR. This ensemble rehearses and sings only on Sundays, 因此不与某些专业的课程负荷相冲突, such as physician assistant. 像这样, 基督教的声音 is a good way to continue to sing and make music, even more time intensive degree programs.

Can I be in multiple ensembles at one time?

是的! 如果学生符合每个小组的要求,他们可以参加多个小组.

What is the audition process for CCR?

The audition consists of singing a song of your choice, “生日快乐," and a warm-up to ensure proper vocal placement. 有兴趣参加CCR试镜的学生应在每学年开始时报名参加试镜时间.

Can I re-audition if I do not make it into CCR?

是的! Because we cannot take everyone into CCR each year, 如果没有入选CCR,我们鼓励所有学生在第二年重新参加面试. 试镜每年在初秋举行一次,如果需要的话,偶尔在春季学期开始时举行.

How often is rehearsal for CCR?

Rehearsal is approximately 90 minutes twice a week. 如有特别演出,偶而增加排演, or as we get closer to concert time.

How often does CV rehearse?

CV每周在周日晚上8点前排练一次,每次约75分钟.m. 质量.

Do you need to be able to read music to join CCR or CV?

不,你不知道,但会读谱会让你排练起来更轻松. 不会读乐谱不会影响你的试听, as we base our decisions on your singing ability.

What are my options at King's as an instrumentalist?

While there is no formal instrumental ensemble, 会演奏乐器的学生可以在每周一次的周日弥撒中演奏, play with CCR in one of their concerts, 并与戏剧系一起参加一年一度的音乐剧演出.

Do I have to have any prior experience to cantor at mass?

No. 所有新入职的唱诗班都要接受培训,为他们进入唱诗班做准备.

What types of performances do the ensembles do?

CCR performs two concerts each year. 他们还为各种大学活动演唱,如银世纪俱乐部圣诞晚会和总统晚宴. CV sings weekly at the 8 p.m. 周日弥撒以及全年的特别祈祷服务.

所有的合唱团都为我们学校的大型活动唱歌,比如毕业典礼弥撒, which is the opening 质量 for the school year, and our Baccalaureate 质量 which is our Graduation 质量. 为了使这些庆祝活动尽我们所能,两个乐团一起表演.


是的, as long as you manage your time effectively, 你应该能够参加合唱团,同时也参加其他活动.